
Privacy Policy


Climat is committed to protecting personal information. We only collect, use, manage, disclose, and retain personal information in accordance with applicable laws.

Collecting Personal Information

Climat may collect the personally identifiable information of certain individuals. Climat only collects personal information for serious and legitimate purposes, and only collects personal information that is necessary to fulfill these purposes. Before or at the time that it collects such information, Climat will explain this purpose to the individual whose information is being collected.

Climat takes informed consent seriously. Before or at the time that Climat asks for personal information, the use and disclosure of personal information is clearly explained. We are available to answer any questions that individuals may have, whether before, during or after providing personal information.

Use and Security of Personal Information

Climat safeguards personal information with the level of protection appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Employees are aware that confidentiality of personal information is of great importance and must be maintained.

Climat uses personal information only for the purpose explained before the personal information is provided. This purpose will frequently be to carry out a workplace assessment or investigation. Climat requests additional consent for the use personal information for any new or additional purpose. 

Climat retains personal information only as long as necessary.

For further information regarding personal information and privacy, contact Climat’s Privacy Officer, Pascale Lanctôt-Leroy at

3500 Rue Saint-Jacques
Montréal, Québec
H4C 1H2

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