Beyond compliance: build a safe, inclusive, and positive work culture

We offer customized solutions to address the specific needs of each organization, helping them navigate the complex web of legislation on psychosocial risks in the workplace, violence, harassment, and discrimination.

Our Services

Workplace Assessment

Our Services

Workplace Assessment


Designated Recipient



Research & Partnerships


Employment Systems

Gender-based Analysis Plus

Workplace Assessment

Our workplace assessments identify risk factors in your workplace, in compliance with applicable legislation, in order to eliminate or limit their impact. 

Our Approach  

  • Disaggregated data collection and analysis  
  • Evaluation of your prevention program   
  • Consultations with members of your organization (surveys, focus groups, individual interviews) 


Workplace Assessment Tool, developed in partnership with CREVAWC, the Canadian Labour Congress and Western University – COMING SOON 

In partnership with Western University with the goal of equipping workplaces with strategies, tools & resources to prevent harassment  and violence.  Learn more about this project.

  • Risk factor assessment for harassment and violence 
  • Risk analysis for specific situations  
  • Risk analysis and prevention measure analysis in case of abusive behaviour by third parties 
  • Assessment and development of prevention programs, internal policies, complaint mechanisms, and trainings 
  • Legislative compliance assessment  
  • Leadership assessment  
  • Assessment of health and safety committees 
  • Risk factor assessments for discrimination and human rights violations 
  • Psychosocial risk factors assessment 
  • Wellness and mental health assessment 
  • Assessment of workplace culture   
  • Intersectional and gender-based assessment (GBA+)  
  • Equity-based assessment  
  • Sector-specific risk factor assessment 
  • Accessibility assessment 
  • Employee engagement and values assessment  
  • Risk factor assessment for remote and hybrid workplaces  
  • Physical environment assessment  


We conduct neutral and impartial investigations following complaints of harassment, violence or violations of human rights in the workplace.   

Our systemic, multidisciplinary approach is based on rigorous analysis of the facts, in-depth knowledge of the applicable law, and expertise in psychosocial factors. 

  • Administrative investigations 
  • Complaints of psychological, physical, or sexual harassment 
  • Complaints of psychological, physical, or sexual violence 
  • Discrimination complaints 
  • Investigations of human rights violations 
  • Abuse of authority investigations 
  • Investigations of code of conduct violations 
  • Internal policy investigations 
  • Audits of Canadian companies located overseas 

Designated Recipient

As a designated recipient, Climat provides a safe and impartial platform for handling complaints and reports of behaviours on the continuum of workplace harassment and violence. 

  • Designated recipient under the Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations 


As an ombuds, Climat offers neutral, third-party mediation and conflict resolution services. Our objective is to offer external support with transparency and fairness. 

  • Mediation of workplace complaints 
  • Workplace conflict resolution 


All our trainings are adapted to your sector and your reality, and can be given in hybrid, virtual or on-site mode. 

Our Approach 

We apply knowledge from research, case studies and emerging practices to implement strategies designed to improve your practices, interventions and policies, in line with your legal obligations. 

  • Health and wellness 
  • Gender-based violence 
  • Trauma approach 
  • Prevention of harassment and violence 
  • Respect and civility 
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion 
  • Unconscious biases and discrimination 
  • Conflict resolution: the bystander approach 
  • Evaluating risk factors in the workplace 
  • Investigation techniques following a harassment complaint 
  • The right to accommodation and best practices for return-to-work 
  • Leadership and engagement 
  • Management in hybrid mode: the right to disconnect   
  • Domestic violence 

Research and Partnerships

Our team’s objective is to use research-based knowledge to produce changes that address the concerns, needs and realities of your workplace.  We collaborate with researchers to allow organizations to implement best practices and new knowledge.   

Research undeniably contributes to improving practices, interventions and policies for the prevention of harassment and violence in the workplace. However, this knowledge is still not sufficiently taken into account in practice and decision-making. 

We also participate in research projects with collaborators in various fields related to workplace health, safety, and well-being.  

Workplace Assessment Tool, developed in partnership with CREVAWC, the Canadian Labour Congress and Western University – COMING SOON 

In partnership with Western University with the goal of equipping workplaces with strategies, tools & resources to prevent harassment  and violence. Learn more about this  project.


Our consulting services provide a unique point of contact for organizations operating across Canada. Our expertise extends nationwide with regard to provisions for the prevention of health and safety risks, harassment and violence in the workplace. We develop prevention strategies to combat and prevent psychosocial risks such as stress, conflict, harassment and violence. 

  • Health and safety compliance 
  • Harassment and violence prevention  
  • Employment equity, diversity, and inclusion  
  • Duty to accommodate  
  • Return-to-work  
  • Systemic issues in the workplace 

Employee Systems Review

We collaborate with organizations to complete employment systems reviews, by reviewing organizations’ policies and practices to identify systemic and attitudinal barriers to employment opportunities for designated group members. 

  • Federally: Employment Equity Act, Employment Equity Regulations and Canadian Human Rights Act 
  • Provincially: provincial legislation regarding employment equity and human rights 


Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Using the GBA+ approach in all our services involves taking a gender- and diversity-sensitive approach to our work. The Government of Canada defines GBA+ as an intersectional analysis that goes beyond biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences to consider other factors, such as age, disability, education, ethnicity, economic status, geography, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation in the development of inclusive policies, programs, and other initiatives.